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Spring garden tips

By 08:57 ,


cottage garden

Use our simple garden tips for your spring cottage garden. With spring flowers thick on the ground and trees soon to come into blossom, winter could hardly be further from our thoughts. Yet if wood fires and stoves are a primary heat source during the colder months, a specially constructed log store may be an excellent
investment to make at this time. Providing a sheltered, airy spot in which wood can season through the course of the year without ground contact, the ideal log store will be discreet, but not so far from the house
as to make fetching wood on a frosty evening a chore. Another good spring garden tip. Consider using an existing construction, such as a garage or garden shed, for support and to keep out the worst of the weather.

Do not be alarmed if the store jars with gentler tones in the garden initially, for it will mellow over time and provide useful structure for rambling roses and climbers such as clematis, jasmine and passion flower.
Potting shed and log store, part of a larger range of oak garden structures.

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